Horror Plot Generator


    Are you an author trying to come up with an interesting plot for a horror novel or short story? Are you a GM who enjoys developing interesting scenes in your horror game?

    FlamesRising.com is pleased to present you with our horror plot generator to help get those creative juices flowing.

    Here is your random horror plot:

    A fairy with an all-seeing eye, whose home base is in an air and space museum, wants to be feared. Supported by drunk college students, the fairy appears to have one weakness - friendly puppies. Interestingly enough, the fairy is an alien from outer space.

    You may have been presented with a horror plot perfect for science fiction, paranormal romance, dark fantasy, pulp, modern horror and more! From sylphs that want to take over the world to howling werewolves starring in their own reality TV show, the possibilities are endless!

    Since the plots are completely random, we’d like to point out that some of these ideas may be awesome, crazy or just plain silly. That’s part of the reason why we didn’t explain how all of these pieces fit together. We realized that if a giant octopus is deathly afraid of lipstick, it’s best if you figure out how that will work for your story or game.

    If you enjoy our horror plot generator, be sure to bookmark this page. As we get more feedback and ideas, we’ll be adding more phrases and words to our bubbling cauldron.


    For more on writing horror and dark fantasy, check out these recommendations:

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            11 Tales of Ghostly Horror

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              The new Review Guidelines have been posted on the Flames Rising website. We are currently seeking a few good reviewers to help us expand our collection of horror and dark fantasy reviews. RPGs, fiction, movies, video games and more are all welcome on the site...

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              Note: We are especially looking for folks interested in reviewing eBooks (both Fiction & Comics). We have lots of great titles in digital format and even get advance copies sometimes.

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