A Storytelling game of personal horror.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Vampire: the Masquerade, Flamesrising.com is hosting an open call for new essays detailing memories and experiences of the property first published by White Wolf in 1991. These essays will be posted on FlamesRising.com as a series starting October 2011. The best of these may be collected into a book to be published by FR Press.
Word count: We’re looking for well-written essays between 350 to 1,000 words.
Publication and Rights: Essays must be unpublished in any format prior to submission and must be original material written by the author. Essayists retain all rights to their work and will be asked to sign a contract outlining further details if their work is selected for the print edition.
Formatting and Submission: Submissions will only be accepted in one of two ways: by using the FlamesRising.com contact form or by e-mailing the editor with your submission as an attachment in an *.rtf file to matt AT flamesrising DOT com.
Because we will format the submission for the web, attachments must be formatted without tabs, indents or special characters. Essays should be submitted in 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced with an extra return to denote paragraphs. Italicization and underlining is acceptable.
All submissions must be clearly marked with: your name, a valid e-mail address, affiliation (if any) to White Wolf Publishing or Vampire: the Masquerade.
Notification for Print: If the essay is selected to be part of the print edition through FR Press, the publishing arm of FlamesRising.com, essayists will be contacted directly throughout the submission period and will be offered a contract and payment details at that time. You may be asked to provide a valid mailing address if you are contacted for the print edition.

What We’re Looking For
We are looking for essays that clearly discuss Vampire: the Masquerade in context of your experiences or the community. Examples include:
– A discussion of what makes Vampire an iconic game.
– An exploration of the evolution of Vampire games (Masquerade, Requiem, Mind’s Eye Theatre, Eternal Struggle) and what those games mean to the writer.
– A look back at how Vampire impacted you in a positive way (e.g. Did it make you a better gamer, friend, writer, etc.?)
– Stories about playing the game and the effect it had on your life (Examples: Did Vampire introduce you to your spouse? Did playing Vampire allow you explore a skill or talent you never knew you had? Did being in a Mind’s Eye Theatre game help you overcome stage fright or a similar social problem?)
– A commentary about why Vampire resonates with fans around the world.
– Your introduction to Vampire. Was it the fiction? Video game? RPG? Card game? A memorable character?
What We’re Not Looking For:
FlamesRising.com does not have permission from White Wolf Publishing to produce new or existing material for any property within its catalog. Any submission that violates that will be deleted and returned without comment.
– Actual play session write-ups that are not put within the context of a larger point.
– New or existing game material of any kind.
– Character stats and descriptions.
– Fan art or fiction.
If you would like to submit an actual play write-up, FlamesRising.com will consider it for publication as part of the overall celebration of the Vampire: the Masquerade anniversary, but not as part of this series.