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Going to Gen Con: Indy 2024? Check out these 10 Writer’s Symposium Events!

Posted on May 29, 2024 by Flames

Are you heading to GenCon: Indy? This year, Gen Con will be held from Thursday, August 1st, 2024 through Sunday, August 4th in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Writer’s Symposium, featuring over seventy award-winning authors, poets, experts, and game designers, will be held on the second floor of the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott at 350 W Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

Join special guests Mikki Kendall and Linda Addison, visit the Author Signing, or attend one of the awesome writer’s workshops!

Don’t know which events to sign up for? Here’s ten events to check out:

1. Squeak and Geek

Join Featured Speakers of the Gen Con Writers’ Symposium for an evening session of just seriously *geeking* about books, games, manga, and whatever else is on their minds! It’s super chill! Featuring: Jessica Walsh, Briana Lawrence, James Farner, Mary Fan, Monica Valentinelli
Cost: Free

2. Tea with Mikki

Join Special Guest Mikki Kendall for a cozy meet and greet over a touch of tea or coffee.
Seats are limited to ten–only a few seats left!
Cost: Free

3. How to Pitch

Special Guest Mikki Kendall provides a professional seminar on how to come up with pitches, query letters, and related communications.
Cost: $24

4. Non-Fiction For, Not About Genre

Join our panel of non-fiction writers as they discuss how non-fiction – for research, for craft, and for activism – is directly linked to genre fiction writing across media. Featuring: Mikki Kendall, Alexander Bevier, James Lowder, Matt Forbeck
Cost: Free

5. Writing for Art: Graphic Novels and Comics

Join writers, scholars, and graphic novelists Mikki Kendall and Jesse J. Holland for an evening discussion on writing for visual media.
Cost: Free

6. Writing Geeky Non-Fiction

Join our panel of experts as they discuss writing geeky non-fiction about genre topics.
Featuring: Ben Riggs, Annye Driscoll (Maker Fishmeal), Daniel ‘Doc’ Myers, Mikki Kendall, Sandra Tayler
Cost: Free

7. Speculative Poetry Open Mic

Join Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association Grand Master Linda D. Addison and Elgin Award winning poet Brandon O’Brien for a loving, inclusive, and affirming open-mic poetry night!
Cost: Free

8. Talk and Poetry Reading with Special Guest Linda D. Addison

Join Special Guest Linda D. Addison for a talk and reading of her award-winning poetry.
Linda D. Addison is the author of five award-winning collections, including How To Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend, recipient of the HWA Lifetime Achievement Award and SFPA Grand Master of Fantastic Poetry.
Cost: Free

9. Writing Genre Poetry

Join our panel of poets as they discuss genre (or speculative) poetry, what it is, and ways to experience it. Featuring: Brandon O’Brien, C. S. E. Cooney, Jordan Kurella, Linda D. Addison, Sandra Tayler
Cost: Free

10. Group Signing

Join the Gen Con Writers’ Symposium writers to say hello, get your books signed, or make a purchase during this three-hour open house event! Featuring: Akis Linardos, Anthony W. Eichenlaub, Ava Kelly, Ben Riggs, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Brady McReynolds, Brandon Crilly, Brandon O’Brien, Bryan Young, C. S. E. Cooney, Carlos Hernandez, Cat Rambo, Kwame Mbalia, Danian Darrell Jerry, Daniel ‘Doc’ Myers, Dedren Snead, E.D.E. Bell, Erin M. Evans, Gabrielle Harbowy, Gregory A. Wilson, Howard Andrew Jones, James Farner, Jason Sanford, Jennifer Brozek, Jeremy Bernstein, Jerry Gordon, Jordan Jones-Brewster, Jordan Kurella, Khaldoun Khelil, Linda D. Addison, Marie Bilodeau, Michael R. Underwood, Monica Valentinelli, Richard Dansky, Sharang Biswas, Sheree RenĂ©e Thomas, Victor Raymond PhD, Will Sobel
Cost: Free

Have an event, seminar, or game you’d like to recommend? Post your recs in the comments below!

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