Holiday Recommendations for Horror Lovers
Posted on November 27, 2011 by Nancy
Perplexed about what to get, or ask for, this Holiday season? Well, if you or someone you know loves horror, here are a few suggestions:
+Horror Library+, Vol. 1 – 4: These anthologies would be a treat for any lover of the macabre. Packed full of stories by some of the best writers around. See my review of Vol. 3 for a taste.
Locke & Key by Joe Hill, with illustrations by Gabriel Rodriguez: One can only hope that the television series based on these comics will be gracing our screens soon (pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!). In the meantime, delve into the story of keys that can do just about anything (how about sticking every book you can find into your head and being able to recall the information at a moment’s notice?), a wicked-cool house, and the residents therein fighting against an evil entity.
Anything by Jonathan Maberry: Okay, it would almost be pointless to list one or two things by Maberry. The man has work coming out of his ears! By the time this list is posted, he’ll probably have seven more novels published, ten new comics, and a couple of other side projects to boot. Let’s just say that anything you pick up by him will be great, and for those that love zombies he’s the way to go. Just take a look:
The Stephen King Illustrated Companion, by Bev Vincent: This book is an inspiration. If you know (or are) a writer and/or Stephen King fan, then this is a book to get. A comprehensive look at the life of one of the greatest writers to ever live, it’s full of interesting bits and pieces, like the first query letter SK wrote, rejection letters and more. Some of these interesting slices of life are in folders within the book, and even though they’re copies they look like the originals.
It’s Okay to be a Zombie, by Danny Evarts: This book is so much fun! I’d say it appeals to the kid in all of us, and would also be great for the little ones just starting to cut their teeth on the horror genre. Of course, it’s a parental/guardian’s call, but even if you’re not sure if this is something your kid is ready for, definitely pick it up for yourself or an age-appropriate someone else.
This is just a starting point, of course! So while you’re doing your holiday shopping this year, head on over to your local independent bookstore or local mom-and-pop shop. Also, check online and get items directly from the publishers or the authors themselves. Happy shopping!
by Nancy O. Greene
Tags | horror comics, modern-horror