Lenore: Swirlies Review
Posted on September 28, 2012 by DecapitatedDan

Available at Amazon.com
Issue: Lenore: Swirlies HC
Writer: Roman Dirge
Artist: Roman Dirge
Letters: Roman Dirge
Colors: Roman Dirge
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: 2012
Pages: 120
“Everyone’s favorite cute little dead girl is showcased in all her morbid glory in this all-new collection of the timeless comic strip from Roman Dirge! Return once against to the dark, surreal world of Lenore, the girl with a knack for unintentional mayhem and occasional wanton destruction in this fourth volume that includes the extremely rare #13, beautifully and painstakingly illustrated by creator Roman Dirge himself.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
They say that good things come to those who wait, so you better believe that this book is pretty damn good when it takes 5 years to come out. Collecting the rare #13 of Lenore Vol. 1 and issues #1 – #3 of Vol. 2, this book is a perfect starting point for someone who is new to Lenore.
I have to start off by saying that issue #13 is possibly the funniest Lenore story I have ever read. Introducing Wicket as a character had me rolling on the floor, but when Lenore attends the birthday party I just lost it.
I have said this in reviews before, but Dirge is one the same level as some of the greatest cartoonists ever when it comes to drawing facial expressions. So much humor is contained in the man’s artwork alone.
The stories had me laughing so hard my head fell off. No matter how many times I go back and read them, they always make me laugh. Roman delivers on these jokes in the dialogue word balloon after word balloon. This title has inspired me to create an all new comic genre that I am calling “Horumor.” By combining some really GORE-Geous artwork with some of the best jokes in comics, it is easy to see what makes Lenore so great.
This book contains two of my all time favorite Lenore tales (V1 #13 and V2 #3), and is a welcome addition to my shelves. I seriously can not praise this book any higher, and I highly suggest you take the time to check it out.
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5
Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Lenore: Swirlies you can find it at Amazon.com and Spookyland.com.
Review by Dan Royer
Tags | horror comics