Pandemonium Graphic Novel Review
Posted on May 17, 2012 by DecapitatedDan

Available at
Issue: Pandemonium OGN
Writer: Christophe Bec
Artist: Stefano Raffaele
Publisher: Humanoids
Pages: 160
Price: $19.95
“In 1951, a mother and her young daughter entered one of America’s most prestigious institutions for the treatment of Tuberculosis, The Waverly Hills Sanatorium. The events that befell them shortly thereafter, both of a supernatural and criminal nature, were some of the most sordid of the times. Based on real events. A true tale of horror, literally!”
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5.0
It’s always funny to me how things happen in 3?s. Take this book for example, at the time I read this, I had also just seen a movie involving an asylum and I am in the middle of reading a horror novel about one too. I think that those outside factors easily played into why this book was so great. The artwork was something to behold, as it visually depicted this great horror tale. The characters were so consistent and detailed throughout every panel.
However it was the horror elements that stole the show. Raffaele had a GORE-Geous way of being able to capture the scenes where it was needed most. I still can not remove the image of a crazy doctor from my mind. The angles chosen in these scenes was just so perfect, but they were few and far between for most of the story. Bec deserves a standing ovation what transpired in these pages. From the very start there was always this eerie vibe that could be picked up on, and while I thought that the horror elements were on the lighter side, when they did come up they packed a punch. The dialogue was sharp, and translated nicely into English.
The pacing was fantastic throughout and the ending pulled at my heart-strings A HUGE highlight to this book was getting to the backup material only to find out that Waverly Hills Sanatorium is real, and now I want to know so much more. Overall this is a book that should be sitting in your horror collection. It was an amazing read from start to finish and always had me on the edge of my seat. I really hope that other stories from this particular location can come to life on the comic page, because there seems to be so much more to tell.
BUY THIS BOOK, you will not regret it.
Art: 4.5 out of 5.0
Story: 5.0 out of 5.0
If you would like to buy or know more about Pandemonium OGN you can find it at and
Review by Dan Royer
Tags | modern-horror