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Surely You Joust!

Posted on July 24, 2011 by alanajoli

After a post the other day on Google+, Monica poked me about letting Flames Rising readers know what I’ve been up to while I’m not writing for Flames Rising.

Most of my writing recently has been for Branford Patch, a local online news site, where I do a regular history column about the early days of Branford, Connecticut. It’s great fun, but not typically a cross-over into horror (although perhaps I’ll track down a ghost story one of these days!).

This past week, however, I had my very first Dragon magazine article published!

“Surely You Joust!” discusses ways to integrate jousting, and a medieval style chivalric competition, into your home D&D game. While it’s geared toward the players, there’s a lot in there for DMs, too. And while it’s definitely a 4e article, there are some fun historical tidbits that I think could be useful in any system. Or, so I hope!

If you’re a DDI subscriber, please pop by and check it out!

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2 Responses to “Surely You Joust!”

  1. Steven Dawes says:

    Congratulations! Here’s hoping that this is the first of many articles to show up in the Dragon. 🙂

  2. Alana Abbott says:

    Steven, thanks! I hope so, too. 🙂

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