Tracker 4 Comic Review
Posted on August 27, 2010 by alanajoli

You may recall that I reviewed Tracker: First Look back in April. And I thought it was great, that the series would be awesome, and that I was looking forward to reading it, right? Here’s where I give my little sob story: I missed issues 1 through 3. Top Cow very kindly sent issue 4 for review… and gosh darn it, I missed a lot of awesome build up between that preview issue and now!
By the time we’ve hit issue 4, Alex O’Roarke has figured out some of his werewolf abilities. His relationship with Tory is on the outs — she’s making a last ditch attempt to bring back their romance, but he’s too dedicated to the case. Of course, now that he and serial killer Herod are viewing each other as rivals (Alex needs Herod’s blood for a cure to being a werewolf; Herod enjoys defeating — and eating, presumably — other werewolves), any time Alex isn’t with Tory, he’s putting her at risk. But the case is the most important thing for him — and it looks like that decision, that part of who he is, will cost him.
The art is still a little sketchy at times — physical features aren’t always consistent from panel to panel. For example Jezebel appears to have a crooked nose in an early panel, based on the colorist’s shading; a young boy gives the appearance of laughing rather than being in pain during a fight. But it says something that by the end of the issue, I wasn’t noticing the style choices that didn’t gel with me. The momentum is really building here as the series ramps to the conclusion of this arc.
I do have to say I’m disappointed that Jezebel and Alex are headed in the direction of possible love interests. When I met Jezebel, I was really excited to see an attractive partner who wouldn’t be a romantic lead. Maybe if I’d read the intervening issues, I’d see that the romance there has been building, and that Jez was better for Alex than Tory all along… but right now I’m just bummed that we’re not getting a solid, platonic, male-female partnership.
I’m also giving a thumbs down to the cover. It sensationalizes the werewolf aspect of the comic, putting Alex in wolf form embracing a girl (possibly supposed to be Tory?) in a too-short skirt. It’s got nothing to do with the comic, and isn’t really even in the same tone as the story being told. Since I’m digging the comic so much, I think I’m probably in the target audience for the series — but this cover would turn me off as a first time buyer, and I wouldn’t pick it up. (A quick scan on the Top Cow site of previous covers shows that issue 4 is not the exception — this series is full of sensationalized covers.) If you gents are reading this, think of us lady fans who are digging your serious, character-driven story line and consider tying the cover into the story. Thanks!
In the meantime, here’s hoping that Top Cow sends issue 5 for review when it comes out next month!
Review by Alana Abbott

Tags | drivethrucomics, top cow