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Onyx Path Announces Adventure! and Assassins for Trinity Continuum

Posted on March 9, 2020 by Flames

Rich Thomas, founder and creative director of Onyx Path Publishing announced that Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and Trinity Continuum: Assassins will be the next tabletop RPG supplements in the Trinity Continuum line. Both will employ the Storypath system.

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is the newest science fiction-meets-pulp setting ready to be explored on the Trinity Continuum timeline. Set in the 1930s, Trinity Continuum: Adventure! retains its pulp action feel for Daredevils, Mesmerists, and Stalwarts while offering an update to the story. The Æon Society for Gentlemen, now in its tenth year, has evolved. Has philanthropist Maxwell Mercer been successful in his mission to build a community of Inspired? Though many of the same allegiances remain, Trinity Continuum: Adventure! setting advances the setting’s timeline to provide even more mystery and conflict.

“The original edition of Adventure! stood alone in the Trinity Universe, and was limited to a single book, offering a tantalizing hint into a fantastic pulp setting,” said content lead Ian Watson. “We’re really looking forward to returning to period, and the exciting potential in being able to expand on it for the first time.”

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is being developed by Danielle Lauzon (Scion: Dragon, Trinity Continuum) and Ian A. A. Watson is overseeing setting-related content. The manuscript is currently in first draft.

Trinity Continuum: Assassins creates a modern-day world of shadow for use in Trinity: not the world of hope, sacrifice, and unity posited by the core rulebook, but one where hidden societies of criminals and assassins lurk behind the surface of world government and high fashion. Inspiration strikes to those who seek to perfect the art of the kill. Assassins in the Trinity Continuum work to end the lives of the evil and corrupt.

“This is something new for Trinity Continuum, adding additional elements to the modern-day setting,” said Eddy Webb, Trinity Continuum’s coordinating developer. “It’s a chance to showcase the wide variety of parallel possibilities within the Continuum, while tapping into exciting experiences like those seen in Assassin’s Creed and John Wick.”

Trinity Continuum: Assassins is being developed by Monica Speca (Trinity Continuum) and Ian A. A. Watson is overseeing setting-related content. The manuscript is currently being outlined.

Note: both the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and Trinity Continuum: Assassins books will require the Trinity Continuum Core rule book for gameplay and will be designed using the Storypath System. The Storypath System is also the engine that powers Onyx Path’s Scion 2nd Edition and Trinity Continuum RPGs.

Both digital and print editions of Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and Trinity Continuum: Assassins are planned for the new game following the success of a future Kickstarter.

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