Tag Archive | "onyx path"

Through the Gates with Onyx Path Publishing

Posted on May 28, 2024 by

At the Gates is a high fantasy tabletop roleplaying game about burgeoning heroes struggling to survive, fighting for what’s right, exploring dangerous places, and saving the world. Onyx Path Publishing is currently running a crowd-funding campaign over at BackerKit.com. We had a chance to catch up with Danielle Lauzon, creator and lead developer of At the Gates, to talk about the game a bit.


The Curious Cats of Mau Are Now on BackerKit!

Posted on February 20, 2024 by

The Age of Man is long over. Cats – uplifted from our clever feline companions to use tools and language – now rule the world. In the Monarchies of Mau, cats study relics the Old Ones left behind to create new wonders, expand their understanding of the world, and combat the monsters and minions of […]


Return to the Realms of Pugmire with Eddy Webb

Posted on January 27, 2023 by

Onyx Path Publishing and Pugsteady have just launched a Kickstarter for a new edition of the Realms of Pugmire RPG.

Realms of Pugmire is a fantasy game about evolved pets and other animals with a strong connection to humanity, with dogs as the central characters. These characters live in the ruins of our world, using tools, language, and ingenuity to build a new civilization in their image, with the kingdom of Pugmire acting as a center of dog civilization.


Onyx Path Publishing Announces Realms of Pugmire, a new edition of the tabletop RPG

Posted on December 15, 2022 by

Eddy Webb, founder of Pugsteady and creator of Pugmire, announced today that Onyx Path Publishing will launch a Kickstarter to fund printing for Realms of Pugmire, a second edition of the popular and acclaimed Pugmire roleplaying game. Realms of Pugmire will be a complete, family-friendly tabletop roleplaying game, produced as a collaboration between Onyx Path […]


Masks of the Mythos, a new Scion supplement from Onyx Path is available now!

Posted on October 27, 2022 by

Those that touch the Mythos are forever altered. The World explodes into full view for them, leaving some shattered, others power-mad, and still others knowing only secrecy protects humanity.

Mythos Scions fair little better, empowered by these alien beings that alter their very essence, the ability to break Fate and leave the walls of reality weaker in their wake. These human embodiments of the Mythos are not good or evil; such easily definable morality is for lesser beings.

What does one do when their power comes with a cost?


A New Dungeons & Dragons Campaign from Onyx Path Publishing

Posted on July 6, 2022 by

New from Onyx Path Publishing for the Scarred Lands campaign setting is Dead Man’s Rust.

Now available in eBook and Hardcover formats, this book provides a complete mega-campaign, with deadly new threats, interesting and lively locations, and many potential new allies and enemies.


Enter the Cyclops’s Cave…An Interview with Matthew Dawkins

Posted on March 21, 2022 by

They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave! sees characters ranging from heroic swordsmen and cunning sorceresses to charming minstrels and agile scoundrels, embarking on quests designed to evoke the majesty of fantasy movies and television shows from the 1940s onward. Whether you’re looking to channel an epic like The Thief of Bagdad or grim fantasy such as The Sword and the Sorcerer, Cyclops’s Cave! has everything you need for swashbuckling, noble heroism, and monster slaying.

The Flames Rising crew is pleased to present an interview with Matthew Dawkins, the co-developer for They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave. In this interview, Matthew talks about inspirations for the game, as well as different styles of play, and more!


Onyx Path launches two new They Came From… RPGs!

Posted on March 11, 2022 by

The They Came From… tabletop roleplaying games take your favorite movies, television shows, and pop culture touchstones and turn them into action-packed and wise-cracking opportunities to tell your own versions of these cinematic stories. Previous releases have explored B-movie atomic horror from the 1950s (They Came from Beneath the Sea!) and twisted tales of horror from the 1960s and ’70s (They Came from Beyond the Grave!). With this campaign, Onyx Path is ready to introduce TWO new entries enabling you to take on quest-filled fantasy adventure stories with They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave! and thrilling tales of world-saving espionage with They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!


Hunter The Vigil Second Edition Now Available!

Posted on March 2, 2022 by

In Hunter: The Vigil, you choose between three tiers of gameplay. At tier one, your characters will fight monsters with little to no support. They may find allies along the way, but they’re on their own. At tier two, you play hunters backed by a compact that typically operates on a regional level. Your hunters have more guns and gear to fight the darkness. At tier three, you play cogs in a global conspiracy that has plenty of resources — and politics to boot. Conspiracies have more information about the supernatural than they let on, but even then…it’s unclear if the lore they’ve acquired is accurate or not.


Onyx Path’s They Came From Beyond the Grave! is now available at DriveThruRPG

Posted on January 12, 2022 by

They Came from Beyond the Grave! is a dramatic, hammy, and horrifying tabletop roleplaying game encompassing the shock, terror, eroticism, and humor of 1970s horror. This game allows you to play with all the magnificent content from the movies of Hammer, Amicus, and Roger Corman, and promises the fun and thrills of the horror movie genre!

In They Came from Beyond the Grave!, you play humans faced with the horrors of the supernatural. You’ll find yourself pitted against vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and constructed critters, along with demons, slashers, and THE DEVIL HIMSELF. Adventures range from the one-shot exploration of a haunted house, to the multi-era play across the 19th century and 1970s.


The Legendlore campaign setting is now available from Onyx Path Publishing

Posted on November 20, 2021 by

The Realm of Legendlore sits on an unstable nexus of reality and sees many visitors from other worlds. You are such a visitor.

In Legendlore, you have Crossed from Earth into East Azoth and become a changed version of yourself — a songwriter finds themself a bard, a scientist a wizard. You might find yourself in a whole new body to better match your true self, including adopting a new fantasy race.

Legendlore offers a diverse and inclusive world filled with adventure and mystery. Fight megalomaniacal dictators, explore magic and strange science, and claim your Legend as you find a way back home.


Recording the Apocalypse with Onyx Path Publishing

Posted on October 8, 2021 by

In The Apocalyptic Record, young and old Garou alike deliver tales of great, humble, disastrous, and glorious deeds. They run the gamut from tales of war and the Wyrm, to stories of the Umbra, Kinfolk, and tribes long lost.

Onyx Path Publishing has launched a Kickstarter for a deluxe edition of The Apocalyptic Record. A setting supplement and sourcebook for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition. We’ve had a chance to discuss this project with the co-developers Matthew Dawkins and Leath Sheales.


Squeaks in the Deep, a new Pugmire sourcebook from Onyx Path Publishing

Posted on July 16, 2021 by

Venture into the Realms of Pugmire one more time…

Rats and mice live in the margins of the empires of dogs and cats, with homes that connect to the Underneath — a vast collection of warrens, tunnels, caves, and other hidden places. It is a dangerous place full of unexplained phenomena and terrifying creatures. But it is also full of wonders of ages past and the thrill of discovery. For the rodents believe Man was part of something called Science, a way to learn power through study, observation, and experimentation. Perhaps through the exploration of the Underneath, they can rediscover what Man has left behind. It’s time to listen to the squeaks in the deep.

Squeaks in the Deep is a chronicle sourcebook for both Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau. It’s usable with either game, or as part of a joint experience.


Dragon and Masks of the Mythos for Scion 2nd Edition at Kickstarter!

Posted on January 19, 2021 by

The ancient powers never fully went away. They wander our roads and cities, mingling with the teeming masses of humanity. Characters in Scion Second Edition begin as humans touched by fate, heirs to great powers and incredible destinies. In the core setting for Scion, characters discover they are the children of Gods, inheriting mantles, accomplishing great deeds, and deciding their own destinies. It’s a game about divinity and humanity, and everything in between — and now, with these two expansions, everything beyond as well. Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos open new pathways, new origins, and new secrets for Scion Second Edition.


The Hobgoblin of Consistency

Posted on December 18, 2020 by

Frances Stewart writes and edits across various mediums, including for several games. Most recently, she contributed to Onyx Path’s Dead Man’s Rust, a mega-adventure that’s on Kickstarter right now! In this article, she talks about writing when you’re trying to clean up and maintain a complex continuity, while still being original and also modern and also entertaining.


Onyx Path Publishing Launches Kickstarter for Dead Man’s Rust

Posted on November 25, 2020 by

Dead Man’s Rust is a mega-adventure for fifth edition fantasy, set in Onyx Path’s Scarred Lands campaign setting! The book contains:

– A complete campaign taking characters from level 1 to 10
– Detailed write-ups of four major locations in central Ghelspad: the Broadreach Horizon, The Gleaming Valley, the Hornsaw Forest, and the necromancer’s stronghold of Glivid-Autel.
– New playable options including races, subraces, and subclasses
– New monsters, magic items, and more!

Gamers new to the Scarred Lands campaign setting have several options with this Kickstarter to add-on the Scarred Lands Players Guide, the Creature Collection, and other supplements when they back the Kickstarter for Dead Man’s Rust.


Onyx Path Publishing Launches Kickstarter for Ghost Hunters, a World of Darkness 20th Anniversary Supplement

Posted on October 9, 2020 by

Rich Thomas, founder and Creative Director of Onyx Path Publishing, announced the launch of a new World of Darkness Anniversary Edition Kickstarter for the deluxe printing of Ghost Hunters.

World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters presents paranormal investigation from a mortal’s perspective. Chapters cover skeptical ghost hunters, well-organized groups, natural mediums, and their families and the equipment they use to uncover the “truth” that ghosts are real. In the World of Darkness, however, paranormal investigators may unwittingly stumble across any one of its other denizens, putting themselves (and the creatures they encounter) at risk.


Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle is now available!

Posted on September 23, 2020 by

The world is ill. You have everything to lose through its sickness.

Loss. Change. Chaos.

Your own blood will rebel against you. Your own herd.

Your own loved ones. Do not believe that just because you’ve had a hundred years on this earth, you’ll be exempt. Just because you were ignorant of it until now does not make you immune. Your waking to the reality of this world — of the great machine in its heart, and the sickness in its veins — is just the first step. You must find others like you and me and make them swear to drive back this Contagion. This world doesn’t have long left. You may be a monster, but perhaps with other monsters, you can drive back the destruction of everything.


Onyx Path continues the 2nd Edition of the Scion RPG with Demigod!

Posted on September 4, 2020 by

As a Hero, a Scion becomes a figure of myth and story, an exemplar of some virtue of their chosen society or the culture they’re born into. Even before their Visitation, the children of the Gods are a breed apart. But some want more than this lesser form of immortality, forever in the shadow of their parents. The golden ichor within the Scion’s heart sears and cooks them, ever burning away any human frailties of the Scion and driving them toward more audacious Deeds. They seek to become truly transformational figures, leaving The World forever different in their wake. At the fifth dot of Legend, it all reaches a tipping point, where the Scion is formed more of divine ichor than mortal flesh–more immortal than mortal, a true Demigod. They have declared to The World that they will not be pawns of Fate, but players in their own right. They will succeed in becoming a God, or they will die with their failure.

Everything up to this point was your prologue. Now it’s time to live your myth in Scion: Demigod.


Beyond the Grave with Matthew Dawkins

Posted on July 24, 2020 by

Onyx Path Publishing has launched a new Kickstarter for their StoryPath System line of RPGs. A companion to the previous They Came From Beneath the Sea!, you can now jump into campy horror with They Came from Beyond the Grave! Onyx Path describes the new game as:

They Came from Beyond the Grave! is a dramatic, hammy, and horrifying tabletop roleplaying game encompassing the shock, terror, eroticism, and humor of 1970s horror. This game allows you to play with all the magnificent content from the movies of Hammer, Amicus, and Roger Corman, and promises fun and thrills of the horror movie genre!

We had the chance to ask developer Matthew Dawkins about this project. You can also check out some actual play videos from the recent Onyx Path Virtual Gaming Convention too!


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