Deadlands comics from Visionary Comics go digital!
Posted on April 26, 2012 by Flames
Visionary Comics and Pinnacle Entertainment Group are proud to present Deadlands, the critically acclaimed and fan favorite new comic series, now available at The work of masters such as Jeff Mariotte (Desperados), Brook Turner (Golly!), Ron Marz (Artifacts), Bart Sears (Conan), Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray (Jonah Hex), Lee Moder (Shinku), David Gallaher, and Steve Ellis (High Moon) brings the Weird Western World of the Role Playing Game to the world of comics with style.
This collaboration of industry all-stars has created four brand new stories that delve deeply into the mystery and mayhem of Deadlands. Set against a backdrop of the Old West gone slightly weird, these stories range from the mad invention of The Devil’s Six Gun to the masterful horror of Death Was Silent. We are also excited to bring you, for the first time in one complete issue, The Kid: Origins; the backup story that ran through all four print editions of Deadlands from Visionary Creators C. Edward Sellner, Oscar Capristo, and Ale Aragon now collected together under an exclusive new cover. Telling the origin of the fearsome werewolf stalker Billy the Kid, this story sets the stage for the upcoming mini-series.
Each Visionary digital exclusive edition will also include a special feature with preview art for The Kid: Death in a Small Town as well as the first teaser image and major announcements about RAVEN!
We’re going to just let this image from the upcoming Deadlands mini-series starring The Kid speak for itself!

Check out all of the Deadlands and other titles from Visionary Comics at
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