High Fructose Zombies Kickstarter
Posted on October 18, 2012 by Flames
The Sugarpocalypse is nigh, and it’s up to Clea Brown to stop the saccharine hoard of the undead and defeat the evil Yumzy Corporation.
When a brand new candy bar starts turning people into zombies in the small town of Sweetooth, it is up to Clea brown, and her ragtag group of friends, to stop the EVIL Yumzy corporation from reigning down the Sugarpocalypse!
Once Clea just wanted to escape from her town, now she wants to take it back! And she’ll do so a la lollipop – the perfect tool with which to behead the undead.
From co-creator Sarah Braly:
My husband and I seriously wanted to make a comic book. This comic book. So, 3 days after we were married in July, we got cracking. For two solid months we worked every single night and weekend, David writing and me (Sarah), illustrating, to bring the first issue to life in time for New York Comic Con (’cause go big or go home, right?)!! The first issue made its premiere at NYCC on October 11-14th in the small press section and was a huge success! We sold out of our entire first run by the top of Sunday! We were overwhelmed by the number of people who came back to our booth after reading the comic book to tell us how much they enjoyed it, or who brought friends back to our booth.
We are SO excited to be launching this book and will finish out the first story arc in six issues which will culminate in a graphic novel. This first issue has been a labor of love, time, and funds, so to continue this sacchariferous story we are asking for your support. Plus, by helping not only will you enable the continuation of High Fructose Zombies, but enable us to make all kinds of cool stuff for rewards, which just doubles the fun! And fun is what we are all about, for you, for us, for everyone!

Find out more information and back this project at Kickstarter.com!
Tags | horror-comedy, zombies