Archive | March, 2019

Onyx Path Launches Kickstarter for Chronicles of Darkness Crossover Book

Posted on March 27, 2019 by

Rich Thomas, founder and Creative Director of Onyx Path Publishing, announced the launch of a Kickstarter recently to fund a prestige edition of the Contagion Chronicle, a crossover supplement based in the Chronicles of Darkness.


Baldur’s Gate Adventures Continue With IDW Comics

Posted on March 22, 2019 by

Minsc the Mighty—Evil Beware! The Baldur’s Gate heroes return to the city at last, but their time adventuring in Ravenloft and the frozen northern reaches of the Realms has changed them. Each of them must face great trials ahead before they’ll be ready to embrace their destiny. A new hero of the people roams the […]


Monte Cook Games Explores Arcana of the Ancients for 5th Edition

Posted on March 15, 2019 by

In the misty recesses of time, before the kingdoms and lands you know existed—before the elder elves, the dwarven ancestral lords, and even the dragons—civilizations undreamt rose and fell. And with their passing, they left behind remnants of the powers they wielded. They built citadels of metal, glass, and light, now hidden away in the […]


Happy Death Day to You! Happy Death Day 2U!

Posted on March 1, 2019 by

Happy Death Day to yooooooouuuuuuuu. Happy Death Day to yooooooooouuuuu! Author and comedian Aaron Hartzler has penned the official novelization of the #1 smash hit film Happy Death Day and its sequel Happy Death Day 2U produced by Blumhouse (Get Out) and Universal Pictures. The book, titled Happy Death Day / Happy Death Day 2U, was just released, and combines two novelizations in one tome.


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