Posted on July 12, 2019 by Flames is pleased to present an interview with author and editor Melanie R. Meadors. Her latest release is an anthology called Tales of Excellent Cats, for the Monarchies of Mau roleplaying game. Hi Melanie! Can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hi there! I am an author of science fiction and fantasy, I edit […]
Posted on June 28, 2019 by Flames is pleased to present an interview with Dungeons & Dragons writer, game designer, and Dungeon Master extraordinaire Shawn Merwin to celebrate the release of D&D Acquistions Incorporated. The latest Dungeons & Dragons supplement is called D& D Acquisitions Incorporated. For fans who don’t know anything about it, can you tell us what Acquisitions Incorporated […]
Posted on June 21, 2019 by Flames
Hello readers! Today, we are sitting down with author and biologist Robyn Bennis. Her first novel, an action-packed steampunk tale called The Guns Above, debuted in May 2017. Since then she’s released a sequel titled By Fire Above and a brand new book titled The Devil’s Guide to Managing Difficult People. If you’re curious […]
Posted on June 11, 2019 by Flames
Pirates of Pugmire is a chronicle sourcebook for the Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau RPGs from Onyx Path Publishing. Useable as a a supplement for either game or as a great way to crossover the two settings with adventures on the seas and more. Pirates of Pugmire introduces lizards and birds as new playable species for expanding player character options. Additionally, two new locations in the world of Pugmire are introduced and the book comes with exciting adventures to get a campaign launched right away.
Currently on Kickstarter with just over a week to go, we took Eddy Webb portside for a few questions…
Posted on April 16, 2019 by Flames
The Contagion Chronicle is an overarching compendium of chronicle hooks, riveting settings, and Storyteller aids to help present all the Chronicles of Darkness game lines with one consistent story. In the chronicle, the Contagion acts as a motivational force and inspires the formation of factions where vampires, werewolves, mages, mummies, etc. come together in new and unique ways.
Developed by Matthew Dawkins and currently on with just over a week to go. We asked Matthew a bit about the project and his work at Onyx Path Publishing.
Posted on June 11, 2018 by Flames is pleased to present an interview with Eddy Webb, the creator of the Pugmire RPG, Monarchies of Mau Early Access, and Fetch Quest a deck-building card game. Currently, Eddy is in the middle of a Fetch Quest Kickstarter campaign to fund new stretch goals. What can you tell us about the world of Pugmire? […]
Posted on October 18, 2017 by Flames
The Cavaliers of Mars Kickstarter is hurtling toward its final hours and we had the chance to catch up with developer Rose Bailey for a few quick questions about this new project as part of Onyx Path Publishing’s Many Worlds. One Path. line-up of excellent RPGs.
Cavaliers of Mars Kickstarter is a swashbuckling adventure setting from Rose Bailey, longtime developer of Vampire: The Requiem and other World of Darkness titles. Cavaliers draws inspiration from pulp fantasy and historical fiction, adding a modern edge and an exotic setting.
Posted on May 18, 2017 by Flames is pleased to present an interview with twice-nominated BAFTA writer Lucien Soulban, who works for Ubisoft Montreal. Fans of tabletop RPGs will remember Lucien from his contributions to games like Vampire: The Masquerade and Dungeons & Dragons. Additionally, he’s also written novels for Warhammer 40K and Dragonlance, as well as short stories for various […]
Posted on May 10, 2017 by Flames contributor Crystal Mazur recently sat down with Christopher Mihm to ask him a few questions about his films. Enjoy this fun interview with a B-movie aficionado! Christopher Mihm is the writer, director, and producer of a series of 1950’s B-horror movies that all take place in the “Mihmiverse”. He has won several awards and […]
Posted on April 15, 2016 by Flames, which was established in 2013, recently launched an IndieGoGo campaign to help cover printing costs for their books, comics, and graphic novels. In today’s interview, Monica Valentinelli sits down with founder Bill Campbell to ask him about his small press publishing house.
Posted on February 11, 2016 by Flames
Be a Good Dog. Protect Your Home. Be Loyal To Those Who Are True.
These are the words of the Code of Man. Dogs have inherited the world, building the kingdom of Pugmire thousands of years after the Ages of Man. These dogs have been changed to use tools and language, and they (along with other races of uplifted animals) seek to rediscover the world they’ve inherited. Some dogs use the leftover technology of humanity, but they believe it all to be magic handed to them by their dead gods. Others seek to create an ideal civilization, using a Code of Man compiled from ancient, fragmentary lore. The world is dangerous and mysterious, but courageous and loyal dogs will persevere.
Pugmire is a light-hearted and family-friendly fantasy world. It’s one of the first of Onyx Path Publishing’s creator-owned games, produced in a partnership with Eddy Webb and Pugsteady.
The Kickstarter has already blown past the original funding goal and is well on its way to achieving a number of exciting stretch goals that not only enhance the game itself, but add new media options for fans of the setting. Eddy Webb sat down with Flames Rising to talk a bit about the Pugmire setting and what is going with the Kickstarter project.
Posted on January 2, 2016 by Flames
Onyx Path Publishing is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for a Deluxe edition of the upcoming Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition RPG. This crowdfunding campaign has blown past the original goal and is well on its way to achieving several excellent stretch goals to enhance the original product and offer Changeling fans some bonus content for this new edition of the game.
Flames Rising had the chance to ask Onyx Path’s Rich Thomas and Matthew McFarland a bit about the Kickstarter and this edition of Changeling: the Dreaming.
Posted on March 25, 2014 by Billzilla
Matt Forbeck has been a bit busy over the past year. He started a series of Kikcstarters to support and promote a crazy idea: that he could write and prepare for publication one novel a month for twelve months. I caught up with Matt recently to ask him about one of the most recent books in that series, Monster Academy 1: I Will Not Eat People.
Posted on December 12, 2012 by Billzilla
Edison T. Crux is an author whose first novel, “Tale of the Wisconsin Werewolf” debuts on December 15. The author will be attending an event at Pegasus Games
Posted on November 1, 2012 by Billzilla
C. Edward Sellner is the Chief Creative Officer for Visionary Comics, having launched the studio in 2006. Having embraced the digital publishing revolution several years ago, Visionary is currently one of the largest digital publishing houses in the comics industry.
We sat down with Mr. Sellner to talk about comics in general and the Deadlands license in particular.
Posted on September 24, 2012 by mazecontroller
Jeremy Penter is the lead developer of AfterEarth: The Fall, a RPG currently on Kickstarter. This RPG offers a mash-up of post-apocalyptic setting with dark fantasy elements. It also offers the chance for all backers to have a say in the development of the game.
Flames Rising sat down to talk about the game and its unique development.
What is the elevator pitch for the game?
AfterEarth: The Fall is a unique mix of post-apocalyptic action and magical fantasy based in the chaotic birthing years of a new era on Earth that is backed up by a unique card-based rules system that allows the role-players to control how the game plays.
Posted on September 18, 2012 by Billzilla

Matt Forbeck is an award-winning game designer and author whose most recent endeavor, “12-for-12”, is a personal challenge issued to himself to write a novel a month for an entire year. I caught up with Matt after his most recent Kickstarter campaign concluded to ask him how things were going.
You’ve run a number of highly successful Kickstarters in support of your 12-for-12 initiative; what’s the most important thing you’ve learned about running a Kickstarter project?
It’s a lot more work than you think. While I ran my Kickstarters, they seemed to suck up every bit of time I had as I kept thinking about ways to improve them. That’s especially true toward the end, when you’re either getting desperate to hit your goals or thrilled that you’ve shot past them.
Posted on August 24, 2012 by Nancy
RIGOR MORTIS is a zombie-focused zine that is part academic, part fanboy/fangirl. Started by the dynamic Davida Gypsy Breier, it’s one of the best resources for information on obscure zombie films, book and more. Nancy O. Greene recently had a chance to talk shop with Davida about the zine.
Posted on May 30, 2012 by Flames
We have a new interview with actress and filmmaker Kat Sheridan today. Kat is here to tell us a little about her role in The Red House, an independent horror film.
Tell us a little about your background as an actress.
I’ve been acting since the age of six. For a long time I focused only on stage acting, classical theatre, Shakespeare, Checkov, that sort of thing, but after receiving my B.A. in Performance Arts I decided to try to branch out into the film and TV industry. My first professional acting gig was a promo for a Showtime reality series called “Lock N’ Load”. Since then I worked on a few student films, a short film, a music video, a couple low budget features still in post, and then had the good fortune of being cast in the Red House. I also have some other great projects on the horizon…
Posted on May 11, 2012 by Flames
In the sands of Thuvia, the atheist Salim Ghadafar must find the stolen soul of a murdered merchant. His search for souls extends throughout the planes and tests his strength to the breaking point. Death’s Heretic by James L. Sutter is a grand tour of the Outer Planes… a tour that balances large-scale awe and wonder with intimate character development.
Indeed, Death’s Heretic is more than “a book about tracking down kidnapped souls and killing monsters.” It’s a novel shot through with mystery, mayhem, and romping good adventure, sure, but it also asks some weighty questions… while killing monsters.
“If we really understood immortality,” asks Sutter, “would we still want it?”
There’s more, of course. What are the power dynamics of faith? The true nature of honor? Of heroism? What lurks within the complexities of human ambivalence? The resulting novel blends intimate knowledge of the Pathfinder setting with compelling characters and a plot that packs the energy of a Byzantine naphtha bomb.